
A Sign of Better Things to Come

If you were in Jesus’ shoes and you were about to grab the world’s attention with your first miracle, what might that first miracle be? Might you reverse global warming or end third world poverty? Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water into wine at the Wedding of Cana. To many it seems a  frivolous kind of miracle something akin to a party trick, but

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New Beginnings

Now when all the people were baptised, and when Jesus also had been baptised and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit  descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” This is a great moment for Jesus, a moment when he receives affirmation

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Choose a Better Way

We are good at digging ourselves into holes. We dig ourselves deep into places from which we cannot climb back out. Suddenly there is no way back from an argument we’ve had with a relative or a friend. Perhaps we’ve said things that can’t be retracted or we’ve heard something we can’t forgive. Suddenly there is no way back to a simpler way of life

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Giving Our All

Jesus sits down opposite the treasury, and watches the crowd putting money into the collecting boxes. Many rich people put in large   generous looking sums, but  nevertheless large sums that they can easily afford. Then along comes a poor widow and puts in two small copper coins, doubtless all she has.  Jesus points out that because she has given her all, her contribution is worth

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Love Is As Love Does

We should never lose sight of what Jesus said: that we should love   others as we do ourselves, choosing self-deprecation over self-glory. Indeed, many of us have a warped and unhealthy understanding of  self-love.  The right kind of self-love is not being selfish, but honouring the temple that houses God.  So, whilst we are asked to remain humble and obedient, there is absolutely nothing wrong

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The Jealousy Club

It’s human instinct to form groups, organisations, sects, clubs,  societies, associations, guilds, unions and fellowships. Being in a club is good. Clubs give us a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. In a club we can draw strength from other like minded people; we benefit from mutual support, shared ideas and pooled resources. But being in a club is not without pitfalls. Within

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