
How To Deliver An Enduring Message

You’ve landed a job in a top marketing company. The managing director sets you your first task. You must take a message out into the world relying on nothing but your own devices. More importantly, you need to come up with a three-point strategy to unsure the message endures for at least the next two thousand years … in fact until the end of time. No pressure!

Today we hear how Jesus sent out his disciples to teach the world about God’s Kingdom. What was the strategy Jesus gave them to ensure the message survived the generations?

First Jesus promotes single mindedness. The disciples must travel light unhampered by any distractions. How many advertising campaigns fail because the heart of the message is cluttered and confused? How many Christians come out of church on a Sunday remembering only that they need to contribute to the church steeple restoration fund rather than remembering the central gospel lesson.

The second part of Jesus’ plan was to choose the best audience. We are all familiar with the street preacher who stands in the middle of the city precinct whilst tides of shoppers give him a wide birth. For all his good intentions, this person has not chosen an audience who are in any mood to stop and listen. Jesus advises not to stay where we are not wanted nor try to teach those who refuse to listen. Choosing the best audience and setting are all important.

Thirdly, make the message clear and compelling. Jesus tells the disciples to teach a message of repentance and to cure the sick. In other words, we are to instigate a change for the better in the lives of others. It’s a    powerful message. Who doesn’t want to change for the better? Who wouldn’t listen if they were promised a    better life?

So did Jesus’ strategy work? That Christianity is so strong two thousand years down the line is a great testimony to Jesus and the work of those early disciples.

Single mindedness, choosing an audience and making the message clear and compelling. Now it’s our turn.